Engelska texter

  N A R C I S S I S T vs sociopath– this is for you!

It´s crystal clear to me, I can see your true colours perfectly now. I am sorry for putting up with everything you ever made me believe in and how you made me feel – not enough, unworthy, fake love and fake person, fake life. Its all clear to me now. This was just another game for you and I got cought up in your game of lovebombing charm. I was just another brick in the wall. So thank you for this lesson of evil intentions.

 Thank you for teaching me exactly what you are and how you make everyone see you. All of your fake intentions finally made it so obvious to me. I feel sorry for those who believe in you and your fake life with delusional intentions. I feel sorry for those who got their life destroyed by you. It was your plan all along, you broke me first. I am sorry for everyone that really belived in you and still believe your lies and how you make others seem crazy. You clown! You fool! It´s you who bring the drama to the plate and the craziness – it´s all you! I am sorry that you can not feel love neither understand and give love to others. Your lack of empathy brings you down and therefore you bring others down, right down in a spiral of mental och physchology illness. 

  But now it is my turn to drop it and I drop you here and from now on! I am more than enough in a way that you will ever be. I stand strong and leave this circus of evil and this the game of manipulation. I stand tall and I choose me in every way I can. I will make it one step at a time, meanwhile you will get hit pretty hard by karma. Karma will always hunt you and make a spell on you till the end of this lifetime, forever and ever. 

So I thank you from the depth of my wounded heart, never will I ever make the same heartbreaking journey ever again – never gonna second guess my own worth, because my intentions where always pure and good. My heart will be hole again without you destroying my life, my pride and my loving heart.

So here´s too you – dear narcissist vs sociopat

R. I. P

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